VisioForge Video Edit SDK (Delphi / ActiveX)
Gets or sets a value indicating whether audio processing in LAME will be disabled.
property Audio_LAME_Keep_All_Frequencies: Boolean;
__property Boolean Audio_LAME_Keep_All_Frequencies;
Boolean Audio_LAME_Keep_All_Frequencies;
Property Audio_LAME_Keep_All_Frequencies() As Boolean
__property Boolean Audio_LAME_Keep_All_Frequencies;
published Audio_LAME_Keep_All_Frequencies;
Keeps all frequencies. (Disables all filters). LAME will automatically apply various types of lowpass filters. This is because the high frequency coefficients can take up a lot of bits that would be better used for lower, more important frequencies. This property will disable all lowpass filtering. Not recommended.
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