Class FastImageProcessing
Fast Image Processing.
Inherited Members
Namespace: VisioForge.Core
Assembly: VisioForge.Core.dll
public static class FastImageProcessing
AddScrollingTextLogo(BaseContext, nint, int, int, int, ref VideoEffectScrollingTextLogo, TimeSpan, long)
Adds scrolling text logo.
public static void AddScrollingTextLogo(BaseContext context, nint pixels, int frameWidth, int frameHeight, int frameStride, ref VideoEffectScrollingTextLogo textLogo, TimeSpan timeStamp, long frameNumber)
Type | Name | Description |
BaseContext | context | The context. |
nint | pixels | Pixels data. |
int | frameWidth | The frame width. |
int | frameHeight | The frame height. |
int | frameStride | |
VideoEffectScrollingTextLogo | textLogo | The text logo. |
TimeSpan | timeStamp | The time stamp. |
long | frameNumber | Frame number. |
Type | Condition |
ArgumentOutOfRangeException |
AddTextLogo(BaseContext, nint, bool, nint, int, int, ref VideoEffectTextLogo, TimeSpan, long)
Adds text logo.
public static void AddTextLogo(BaseContext context, nint pixels, bool pixels32bit, nint pixels32tmp, int frameWidth, int frameHeight, ref VideoEffectTextLogo textLogo, TimeSpan timeStamp, long frameNumber)
Type | Name | Description |
BaseContext | context | The context. |
nint | pixels | Pixels data. |
bool | pixels32bit | The pixels 32 bit. |
nint | pixels32tmp | The pixels32tmp. |
int | frameWidth | The frame width. |
int | frameHeight | The frame height. |
VideoEffectTextLogo | textLogo | The text logo. |
TimeSpan | timeStamp | The time stamp. |
long | frameNumber | Frame number. |
Type | Condition |
ArgumentOutOfRangeException |
Blue(nint, int, int, bool)
Blues the specified source data.
public static void Blue(nint srcPixels, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, bool smartMultithreading = true)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | srcWidth | Width of the source. |
int | srcHeight | Height of the source. |
bool | smartMultithreading | if set to |
Blur(nint, int, int, nint, int)
Blurs the specified source data.
public static void Blur(nint srcPixels, int width, int height, nint tmpArray, int tmpArrayLen)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | width | The width. |
int | height | The height. |
nint | tmpArray | The temporary array. |
int | tmpArrayLen | Length of the temporary array. |
BlurEx(nint, int, int, int, bool, bool, nint, int)
Blurs the source data.
public static void BlurEx(nint srcPixels, int width, int height, int range, bool vertical, bool horizontal, nint tmpArray, int tmpArrayLen)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | width | The width. |
int | height | The height. |
int | range | The range. |
bool | vertical | if set to |
bool | horizontal | if set to |
nint | tmpArray | The temporary array. |
int | tmpArrayLen | Length of the temporary array. |
Brightness(nint, int, int, int, bool)
public static void Brightness(nint srcPixels, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int amount, bool smartMultithreading = true)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | srcWidth | Width of the source. |
int | srcHeight | Height of the source. |
int | amount | The amount. |
bool | smartMultithreading | if set to |
ColorNoise(nint, int, int, int, bool)
Color noise.
public static void ColorNoise(nint srcPixels, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int amount, bool smartMultithreading = true)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | srcWidth | Width of the source. |
int | srcHeight | Height of the source. |
int | amount | The amount. |
bool | smartMultithreading | if set to |
Contrast(nint, int, int, int, bool)
public static void Contrast(nint srcPixels, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int amount, bool smartMultithreading = true)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | srcWidth | Width of the source. |
int | srcHeight | Height of the source. |
int | amount | The amount. |
bool | smartMultithreading | if set to |
CopyImagePart(nint, int, int, int, nint, int)
public static void CopyImagePart(nint srcData, int srcStride, int width, int height, nint destData, int destStride)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcData | |
int | srcStride | |
int | width | |
int | height | |
nint | destData | |
int | destStride |
Crop24(nint, uint, uint, nint, VFRectIntl)
Crop RGB24.
public static void Crop24(nint inPixels, uint inWidth, uint inHeight, nint outPixels, VFRectIntl cutArea)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | inPixels | The input data. |
uint | inWidth | Width. |
uint | inHeight | Height. |
nint | outPixels | The output data. |
VFRectIntl | cutArea | The cut area. |
Crop32(nint, uint, uint, nint, VFRectIntl)
Crop RGB32.
public static void Crop32(nint inPixels, uint inWidth, uint inHeight, nint outPixels, VFRectIntl cutArea)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | inPixels | The input data. |
uint | inWidth | Width. |
uint | inHeight | Height. |
nint | outPixels | The output data. |
VFRectIntl | cutArea | The cut area. |
Darkness(nint, int, int, int, bool)
public static void Darkness(nint srcPixels, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int amount, bool smartMultithreading = true)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | srcWidth | Width of the source. |
int | srcHeight | Height of the source. |
int | amount | The amount. |
bool | smartMultithreading | if set to |
DeinterlaceBlend(HistoryFrame, nint, int, int, int, int, MFPDeinterlaceBlend)
Blend deinterlace.
public static void DeinterlaceBlend(HistoryFrame historyFrame, nint output, int width, int height, int srcPitch, int destPitch, MFPDeinterlaceBlend deintBlend)
Type | Name | Description |
HistoryFrame | historyFrame | The history frame. |
nint | output | The output. |
int | width | The width. |
int | height | The height. |
int | srcPitch | The source pitch. |
int | destPitch | The destination pitch. |
MFPDeinterlaceBlend | deintBlend | The deint blend. |
DeinterlaceCAVT(nint, int, int, nint, int)
CAVT deinterlace.
public static void DeinterlaceCAVT(nint srcPixels, int width, int height, nint temp, int threshold)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | width | The width. |
int | height | The height. |
nint | temp | The temporary data. |
int | threshold | The threshold. |
DeinterlaceTriangle(nint, int, int, nint, int)
Triangle deinterlace.
public static void DeinterlaceTriangle(nint srcPixels, int width, int height, nint temp, int weight)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | width | The width. |
int | height | The height. |
nint | temp | The temporary data. |
int | weight | The weight. |
DenoiseAdaptive(HistoryFrame, nint, int, int, int, int, byte, byte)
Adaptive denoise.
public static void DenoiseAdaptive(HistoryFrame historyFrame, nint output, int width, int height, int srcPitch, int destPitch, byte threshold, byte blurType)
Type | Name | Description |
HistoryFrame | historyFrame | The history frame. |
nint | output | The output. |
int | width | The width. |
int | height | The height. |
int | srcPitch | The source pitch. |
int | destPitch | The destination pitch. |
byte | threshold | The threshold. |
byte | blurType | Type of the blur. |
DenoiseCAST(nint, nint, int, int, int, MFPDenoiseCAST)
Denoise CAST.
public static void DenoiseCAST(nint frame, nint prevFrame, int width, int height, int srcPitch, MFPDenoiseCAST denoiseCAST)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | frame | The frame. |
nint | prevFrame | The previous frame. |
int | width | The width. |
int | height | The height. |
int | srcPitch | The source pitch. |
MFPDenoiseCAST | denoiseCAST | The denoise cast. |
DenoiseMosquito(HistoryFrame, nint, int, int, int, int)
Mosquito denoise.
public static void DenoiseMosquito(HistoryFrame historyFrame, nint output, int width, int height, int srcPitch, int destPitch)
Type | Name | Description |
HistoryFrame | historyFrame | The history frame. |
nint | output | The output. |
int | width | The width. |
int | height | The height. |
int | srcPitch | The source pitch. |
int | destPitch | The destination pitch. |
DenoiseSNR(nint, int, int, nint, int)
SNR denoise.
public static void DenoiseSNR(nint srcPixels, int width, int height, nint temp, int threshold)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | width | The width. |
int | height | The height. |
nint | temp | The temporary data. |
int | threshold | The threshold. |
DrawX_ARGBOnARGB_SLOW(nint, int, int, int, nint, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
public static void DrawX_ARGBOnARGB_SLOW(nint srcData, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int srcStride, nint destData, int destWidth, int destHeight, int destStride, int srcX, int srcY, int destX, int destY, int width, int height)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcData | |
int | srcWidth | |
int | srcHeight | |
int | srcStride | |
nint | destData | |
int | destWidth | |
int | destHeight | |
int | destStride | |
int | srcX | |
int | srcY | |
int | destX | |
int | destY | |
int | width | |
int | height |
DrawX_ARGBOnARGB_SLOW(VideoFrameX, Rect, VideoFrameX, int, int)
public static void DrawX_ARGBOnARGB_SLOW(VideoFrameX inFrame, Rect inRect, VideoFrameX destFrame, int destX, int destY)
Type | Name | Description |
VideoFrameX | inFrame | |
Rect | inRect | |
VideoFrameX | destFrame | |
int | destX | |
int | destY |
Draw_RGB24OnRGB24Old(nint, int, int, nint, int, int, int, int)
Draws the RGB24 image on RGB24 image (legacy).
public static void Draw_RGB24OnRGB24Old(nint srcPixels, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, nint destPixels, int destWidth, int destHeight, int x, int y)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | srcWidth | Width of the source. |
int | srcHeight | Height of the source. |
nint | destPixels | The destination data. |
int | destWidth | Width of the destination. |
int | destHeight | Height of the destination. |
int | x | The x. |
int | y | The y. |
Draw_RGB24OnRGB24S(nint, int, int, int, nint, int, int, int, int, int)
Draws the RGB24 image on RGB24 image.
public static void Draw_RGB24OnRGB24S(nint srcPixels, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int srcStride, nint destPixels, int destWidth, int destHeight, int destStride, int x, int y)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | srcWidth | Width of the source. |
int | srcHeight | Height of the source. |
int | srcStride | The source stride. |
nint | destPixels | The destination data. |
int | destWidth | Width of the destination. |
int | destHeight | Height of the destination. |
int | destStride | The destination stride. |
int | x | The x. |
int | y | The y. |
Draw_RGB24OnRGB24_Transp(nint, int, int, nint, int, int, int, int, int)
Draws the RGB24 image on RGB24 image with transparency.
public static void Draw_RGB24OnRGB24_Transp(nint srcPixels, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, nint destPixels, int destWidth, int destHeight, int x, int y, int transp)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source pixels. |
int | srcWidth | Width of the source. |
int | srcHeight | Height of the source. |
nint | destPixels | The dest pixels. |
int | destWidth | Width of the dest. |
int | destHeight | Height of the dest. |
int | x | The x. |
int | y | The y. |
int | transp | The transp. |
Draw_RGB24OnRGB32(nint, int, int, nint, int, int, int, int)
Draws the RGB24 image on RGB32 image.
public static void Draw_RGB24OnRGB32(nint srcPixels, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, nint destPixels, int destWidth, int destHeight, int x, int y)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | srcWidth | Width of the source. |
int | srcHeight | Height of the source. |
nint | destPixels | The destination data. |
int | destWidth | Width of the destination. |
int | destHeight | Height of the destination. |
int | x | The x. |
int | y | The y. |
Draw_RGB24_TraspChange(nint, int, int, int)
Change the RGB24 image transparency.
public static void Draw_RGB24_TraspChange(nint pixels, int width, int height, int transp)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | pixels | The data. |
int | width | The width. |
int | height | The height. |
int | transp | The transparency. |
Draw_RGB32OnRGB24(nint, int, int, nint, int, int, int, int, bool)
Draws the RGB32 image on RGB24 image.
public static void Draw_RGB32OnRGB24(nint srcPixels, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, nint destPixels, int destWidth, int destHeight, int x, int y, bool smartMultithreading = true)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | srcWidth | Width of the source. |
int | srcHeight | Height of the source. |
nint | destPixels | The destination data. |
int | destWidth | Width of the destination. |
int | destHeight | Height of the destination. |
int | x | The x. |
int | y | The y. |
bool | smartMultithreading | if set to |
Draw_RGB32OnRGB24POS(nint, int, int, int, int, int, nint, int, int, int, int, int)
Draws the RGB32 image on RGB24 image.
public static void Draw_RGB32OnRGB24POS(nint inPixels, int inWidth, int inHeight, int inStride, int srcX, int srcY, nint destPixels, int destWidth, int destHeight, int destStride, int destX, int destY)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | inPixels | The in pixels. |
int | inWidth | Width of the in. |
int | inHeight | Height of the in. |
int | inStride | The in stride. |
int | srcX | The source x. |
int | srcY | The source y. |
nint | destPixels | The dest pixels. |
int | destWidth | Width of the dest. |
int | destHeight | Height of the dest. |
int | destStride | The dest stride. |
int | destX | The dest x. |
int | destY | The dest y. |
Draw_RGB32OnRGB24S(nint, int, int, int, nint, int, int, int, int, int, bool)
Draws the RGB32 image on RGB24 image.
public static void Draw_RGB32OnRGB24S(nint srcPixels, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int srcStride, nint destPixels, int destWidth, int destHeight, int destStride, int x, int y, bool smartMultithreading = true)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | srcWidth | Width of the source. |
int | srcHeight | Height of the source. |
int | srcStride | The source stride. |
nint | destPixels | The destination data. |
int | destWidth | Width of the destination. |
int | destHeight | Height of the destination. |
int | destStride | The destination stride. |
int | x | The x. |
int | y | The y. |
bool | smartMultithreading | if set to |
Draw_RGB32OnRGB24SX(nint, Rect, int, nint, int, int, int, int, int)
Draws the RGB32 image on RGB24 image.
public static void Draw_RGB32OnRGB24SX(nint srcPixels, Rect srcRect, int srcStride, nint destPixels, int destWidth, int destHeight, int destStride, int x, int y)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
Rect | srcRect | |
int | srcStride | The source stride. |
nint | destPixels | The destination data. |
int | destWidth | Width of the destination. |
int | destHeight | Height of the destination. |
int | destStride | The destination stride. |
int | x | The x. |
int | y | The y. |
Draw_RGB32OnRGB24_Transp(nint, int, int, nint, int, int, int, int, int)
Draws the RGB32 image on RGB24 image with transparency.
public static void Draw_RGB32OnRGB24_Transp(nint srcPixels, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, nint destPixels, int destWidth, int destHeight, int x, int y, int transp)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | srcWidth | Width of the source. |
int | srcHeight | Height of the source. |
nint | destPixels | The destination data. |
int | destWidth | Width of the destination. |
int | destHeight | Height of the destination. |
int | x | The x. |
int | y | The y. |
int | transp | The transparency. |
Draw_RGB32OnRGB32(nint, int, int, nint, int, int, int, int, nint, int, int)
Draws the RGB32 image on RGB32 image.
public static void Draw_RGB32OnRGB32(nint srcPixels, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, nint destPixels, int destWidth, int destHeight, int x, int y, nint tmpPixels, int tmpWidth, int tmpHeight)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | srcWidth | Width of the source. |
int | srcHeight | Height of the source. |
nint | destPixels | The destination data. |
int | destWidth | Width of the destination. |
int | destHeight | Height of the destination. |
int | x | The x. |
int | y | The y. |
nint | tmpPixels | The temporary data. |
int | tmpWidth | Width of the temporary data. |
int | tmpHeight | Height of the temporary data. |
FadeInOut(nint, int, int, long, long, long, bool)
public static void FadeInOut(nint data, int width, int height, long startTime, long stopTime, long currentTime, bool fadeIn)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | data | The data. |
int | width | The width. |
int | height | The height. |
long | startTime | The start time. |
long | stopTime | The stop time. |
long | currentTime | The current time. |
bool | fadeIn | if set to |
FillColor(nint, int, int, VFRectIntl, int)
Color fill.
public static void FillColor(nint inPixels, int inWidth, int inHeight, VFRectIntl area, int color)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | inPixels | The input data. |
int | inWidth | Width. |
int | inHeight | Height. |
VFRectIntl | area | The area. |
int | color | The color. |
FilterBlue(nint, int, int, int, int, bool)
Filter blue.
public static void FilterBlue(nint srcPixels, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int min, int max, bool smartMultithreading = true)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | srcWidth | Width of the source. |
int | srcHeight | Height of the source. |
int | min | The minimum. |
int | max | The maximum. |
bool | smartMultithreading | if set to |
FilterGreen(nint, int, int, int, int, bool)
Filter green.
public static void FilterGreen(nint srcPixels, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int min, int max, bool smartMultithreading = true)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | srcWidth | Width of the source. |
int | srcHeight | Height of the source. |
int | min | The minimum. |
int | max | The maximum. |
bool | smartMultithreading | if set to |
FilterRed(nint, int, int, int, int, bool)
Filter red.
public static void FilterRed(nint srcPixels, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int min, int max, bool smartMultithreading = true)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | srcWidth | Width of the source. |
int | srcHeight | Height of the source. |
int | min | The minimum. |
int | max | The maximum. |
bool | smartMultithreading | if set to |
FlipHorizontalRGB24(nint, int, int)
Horizontal flip, RGB24.
public static void FlipHorizontalRGB24(nint pixels, int width, int height)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | pixels | The data. |
int | width | The width. |
int | height | The height. |
FlipHorizontalRGB32(nint, int, int)
Horizontal flip, RGB32.
public static void FlipHorizontalRGB32(nint pixels, int width, int height)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | pixels | The data. |
int | width | The width. |
int | height | The height. |
FlipVerticalRGB24(nint, int, int)
Vertical flip, RGB24.
public static void FlipVerticalRGB24(nint pixels, int width, int height)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | pixels | The data. |
int | width | The width. |
int | height | The height. |
FlipVerticalRGB32(nint, int, int)
Vertical flip, RGB32.
public static void FlipVerticalRGB32(nint pixels, int width, int height)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | pixels | The data. |
int | width | The width. |
int | height | The height. |
Green(nint, int, int, bool)
public static void Green(nint srcPixels, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, bool smartMultithreading = true)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | srcWidth | Width of the source. |
int | srcHeight | Height of the source. |
bool | smartMultithreading | if set to |
Greyscale(nint, int, int, nint)
public static void Greyscale(nint srcPixels, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, nint temp)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | srcWidth | Width of the source. |
int | srcHeight | Height of the source. |
nint | temp | The temporary data. |
ImageCutRGB24(nint, int, int, nint, int, int)
Cuts the RGB24 image.
public static void ImageCutRGB24(nint srcPixels, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, nint destPixels, int cutX, int cutY)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | srcWidth | Width of the source. |
int | srcHeight | Height of the source. |
nint | destPixels | The destination data. |
int | cutX | The cut x. |
int | cutY | The cut y. |
ImageCutRGB32(nint, int, int, nint, int, int)
Cuts the RGB32 image.
public static void ImageCutRGB32(nint srcPixels, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, nint destPixels, int cutX, int cutY)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | srcWidth | Width of the source. |
int | srcHeight | Height of the source. |
nint | destPixels | The destination data. |
int | cutX | The cut x. |
int | cutY | The cut y. |
Initializes this instance.
public static void Init()
Invert(nint, int, int, nint)
public static void Invert(nint srcPixels, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, nint temp)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | srcWidth | Width of the source. |
int | srcHeight | Height of the source. |
nint | temp | The temporary data. |
Determines whether this instance is found.
public static bool IsFound()
Type | Description |
bool |
JPEGDataDecodeToRGB(nint, int, nint, int, bool)
Decode JPEG data to RGB.
public static int JPEGDataDecodeToRGB(nint source, int sourceSize, nint output, int outputSize, bool bgr)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | source | The source. |
int | sourceSize | Size of the source. |
nint | output | The output. |
int | outputSize | Size of the output. |
bool | bgr | if set to |
Type | Description |
int | System.Int32. |
JPEGDataEncodeFromRGB(nint, int, int, int, int, nint, out int, bool)
Encode RGB data to JPEG data.
public static int JPEGDataEncodeFromRGB(nint source, int sourceSize, int quality, int width, int height, nint output, out int outputSize, bool bgr)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | source | The source. |
int | sourceSize | Size of the source. |
int | quality | The quality. |
int | width | The width. |
int | height | The height. |
nint | output | The output. |
int | outputSize | Size of the output. |
bool | bgr | if set to |
Type | Description |
int | System.Int32. |
JPEGFileDecodeToRGB(string, nint, int, bool)
Decode JPEG file.
public static int JPEGFileDecodeToRGB(string source, nint output, int outputSize, bool bgr)
Type | Name | Description |
string | source | The source. |
nint | output | The output. |
int | outputSize | Size of the output. |
bool | bgr | if set to |
Type | Description |
int | System.Int32. |
JPEGFileEncodeFromRGB(string, int, nint, int, int, int, bool)
Encode RGB data to JPEG file.
public static int JPEGFileEncodeFromRGB(string filename, int quality, nint source, int sourceSize, int width, int height, bool bgr)
Type | Name | Description |
string | filename | The filename. |
int | quality | The quality. |
nint | source | The source. |
int | sourceSize | Size of the source. |
int | width | The width. |
int | height | The height. |
bool | bgr | if set to |
Type | Description |
int | System.Int32. |
Marble(nint, int, int, double, int)
public static void Marble(nint srcPixels, int width, int height, double scale, int turbulence)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | width | The width. |
int | height | The height. |
double | scale | The scale. |
int | turbulence | The turbulence. |
MirrorDown(nint, int, int, nint)
Mirror down.
public static void MirrorDown(nint srcPixels, int width, int height, nint tempData)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | width | The width. |
int | height | The height. |
nint | tempData | The temporary data. |
MirrorRight(nint, int, int)
Mirror right.
public static void MirrorRight(nint srcPixels, int width, int height)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | width | The width. |
int | height | The height. |
MonoNoise(nint, int, int, int, bool)
Mono noise.
public static void MonoNoise(nint srcPixels, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int amount, bool smartMultithreading = true)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | srcWidth | Width of the source. |
int | srcHeight | Height of the source. |
int | amount | The amount. |
bool | smartMultithreading | if set to |
Mosaic(nint, int, int, int)
public static void Mosaic(nint srcPixels, int width, int height, int size)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | width | The width. |
int | height | The height. |
int | size | The size. |
MosaicROI(nint, int, int, int, VFRectIntl)
public static void MosaicROI(nint srcPixels, int width, int height, int size, VFRectIntl rect)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | width | The width. |
int | height | The height. |
int | size | The size. |
VFRectIntl | rect | The rectangle. |
MotionDetectionBuildMatrix(int, int, int, int, byte[], nint)
Motion detection, build matrix.
public static void MotionDetectionBuildMatrix(int width, int height, int linesX, int linesY, byte[] matrixRes, nint matrix)
Type | Name | Description |
int | width | The width. |
int | height | The height. |
int | linesX | The lines x. |
int | linesY | The lines y. |
byte[] | matrixRes | The matrix resource. |
nint | matrix | The matrix. |
MotionDetectionCompareImages(nint, nint, nint, bool, bool, bool, bool, int)
Motion detection, compare images.
public static int MotionDetectionCompareImages(nint pic1, nint pic2, nint matrix, bool compareGreyscale, bool compareRed, bool compareGreen, bool compareBlue, int numPixels)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | pic1 | The pic 1. |
nint | pic2 | The pic 2. |
nint | matrix | The matrix. |
bool | compareGreyscale | if set to |
bool | compareRed | if set to |
bool | compareGreen | if set to |
bool | compareBlue | if set to |
int | numPixels | The number data. |
Type | Description |
int | System.Int32. |
MotionDetectionHighlight(nint, nint, int, int, int)
Motion detection, highlight.
public static void MotionDetectionHighlight(nint frame, nint matrix, int numPixels, int color, int chlThreshold)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | frame | The frame. |
nint | matrix | The matrix. |
int | numPixels | The number data. |
int | color | The color. |
int | chlThreshold | The CHL threshold. |
PanCreate(ref RAWImage, VideoInterpolationMode)
Pans effect, create.
public static nint PanCreate(ref RAWImage image, VideoInterpolationMode interpolationMode)
Type | Name | Description |
RAWImage | image | The image. |
VideoInterpolationMode | interpolationMode | The interpolation mode. |
Type | Description |
nint | IntPtr. |
Pan effect, destroy.
public static void PanDestroy(nint pan)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | pan | The pan. |
PanImage(nint, ref RAWImage, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, long, long, long)
Pan effect, process.
public static int PanImage(nint pan, ref RAWImage image, int startX, int startY, int startWidth, int startHeight, int stopX, int stopY, int stopWidth, int stopHeight, long startTime, long stopTime, long currentTime)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | pan | The pan. |
RAWImage | image | The image. |
int | startX | The start x. |
int | startY | The start y. |
int | startWidth | The start width. |
int | startHeight | The start height. |
int | stopX | The stop x. |
int | stopY | The stop y. |
int | stopWidth | Width of the stop. |
int | stopHeight | Height of the stop. |
long | startTime | The start time. |
long | stopTime | The stop time. |
long | currentTime | The current time. |
Type | Description |
int | System.Int32. |
Posterize(nint, int, int, int)
public static void Posterize(nint srcPixels, int width, int height, int amount)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | width | The width. |
int | height | The height. |
int | amount | The amount. |
Red(nint, int, int, bool)
public static void Red(nint srcPixels, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, bool smartMultithreading = true)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | srcWidth | Width of the source. |
int | srcHeight | Height of the source. |
bool | smartMultithreading | if set to |
ResizeCreate(ref RAWImage, ref RAWImage, VideoResizeMode, bool)
Resize, create.
public static nint ResizeCreate(ref RAWImage srcData, ref RAWImage dstData, VideoResizeMode interpolation, bool antialiasing)
Type | Name | Description |
RAWImage | srcData | The source data. |
RAWImage | dstData | The destination data. |
VideoResizeMode | interpolation | The interpolation. |
bool | antialiasing | if set to |
Type | Description |
nint | IntPtr. |
Resize, destroy.
public static void ResizeDestroy(nint resize)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | resize | The resize. |
ResizeRAWImage(nint, ref RAWImage, ref RAWImage)
Resizes the RAW image.
public static int ResizeRAWImage(nint resize, ref RAWImage srcData, ref RAWImage dstData)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | resize | The resize. |
RAWImage | srcData | The source data. |
RAWImage | dstData | The destination data. |
Type | Description |
int | System.Int32. |
ResizeSimple(ref RAWImage, ref RAWImage, VideoResizeMode)
public static int ResizeSimple(ref RAWImage srcData, ref RAWImage dstData, VideoResizeMode videoResizeMode)
Type | Name | Description |
RAWImage | srcData | The source data. |
RAWImage | dstData | The destination data. |
VideoResizeMode | videoResizeMode | The video resize mode. |
Type | Description |
int | System.Int32. |
RotateIn(nint, int, int, nint, double, bool, nint, ref int)
public static void RotateIn(nint srcPixels, int width, int height, nint tempPixels, double angle, bool stretch, nint workingBuffer, ref int workingBufferSize)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | width | The width. |
int | height | The height. |
nint | tempPixels | The temporary data. |
double | angle | The angle. |
bool | stretch | if set to |
nint | workingBuffer | The working buffer. |
int | workingBufferSize | Size of the working buffer. |
Saturation(nint, int, int, int, bool)
public static void Saturation(nint srcPixels, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int amount, bool smartMultithreading = true)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | srcWidth | Width of the source. |
int | srcHeight | Height of the source. |
int | amount | The amount. |
bool | smartMultithreading | if set to |
ShakeDown(nint, int, int, int)
Shake down.
public static void ShakeDown(nint srcPixels, int width, int height, int factor)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | width | The width. |
int | height | The height. |
int | factor | The factor. |
Sharpen(nint, int, int, nint)
public static void Sharpen(nint srcPixels, int width, int height, nint temp)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | width | The width. |
int | height | The height. |
nint | temp | The temporary data. |
Solorize(nint, int, int, int, bool)
public static void Solorize(nint srcPixels, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int amount, bool smartMultithreading = true)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | srcWidth | Width of the source. |
int | srcHeight | Height of the source. |
int | amount | The amount. |
bool | smartMultithreading | if set to |
Spray(nint, int, int, int)
public static void Spray(nint srcPixels, int width, int height, int amount)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | srcPixels | The source data. |
int | width | The width. |
int | height | The height. |
int | amount | The amount. |
ZoomCreate(ref RAWImage, VideoInterpolationMode)
Zoom, create.
public static nint ZoomCreate(ref RAWImage image, VideoInterpolationMode interpolationMode)
Type | Name | Description |
RAWImage | image | The image. |
VideoInterpolationMode | interpolationMode | The interpolation mode. |
Type | Description |
nint | IntPtr. |
Zoom, destroy.
public static void ZoomDestroy(nint zoom)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | zoom | The zoom. |
ZoomImage(nint, ref RAWImage, double, double, int, int)
Zooms the image.
public static int ZoomImage(nint zoom, ref RAWImage image, double zoomX, double zoomY, int shiftX, int shiftY)
Type | Name | Description |
nint | zoom | The zoom. |
RAWImage | image | The image. |
double | zoomX | The zoom x. |
double | zoomY | The zoom y. |
int | shiftX | The shift x. |
int | shiftY | The shift y. |
Type | Description |
int | System.Int32. |