Enum VmbError
Error codes returned by the Allied Vision camera API functions.
Namespace: VisioForge.Core.GenICam.AlliedVision
Assembly: VisioForge.Core.dll
public enum VmbError
Name | Description |
Already | Something has already been done. |
Ambiguous | An entity cannot be uniquely identified based on the information provided. |
ApiNotStarted | ::VmbStartup() was not called before the current command. |
BadHandle | The given handle is not valid. |
BadParameter | One of the parameters is invalid (usually an illegal pointer). |
Busy | The responsible module/entity is busy executing actions. |
Custom | The minimum error code to use for user-defined error codes to avoid conflict with existing error codes. |
DeviceNotOpen | Device was not opened for usage. |
FeaturesUnavailable | The XML for the module is currently not loaded; the module could be in the wrong state or the XML could not be retrieved or could not be parsed properly. |
GenTLUnspecified | Unspecified GenTL runtime error. |
IO | Low-level IO error in transport layer. |
InUse | Something is already in use. |
Incomplete | The current operation was not completed (e.g., a multiple registers read or write). |
InsufficientBufferCount | The operation requires more buffers. |
InternalFault | Unexpected fault in VmbC or driver. |
InvalidAccess | Operation is invalid with the current access mode. |
InvalidAddress | The given address is out of range or invalid for internal reasons. |
InvalidCall | Call is invalid in the current context (e.g., callback). |
InvalidValue | The value is not valid; either out of bounds or not an increment of the minimum. |
MoreData | More data available in a string/list than space is provided. |
NoChunkData | A frame expected to contain chunk data does not contain chunk data. |
NoData | The function has no data to work on. |
NoTL | No transport layers are found. |
NotAvailable | Something is not available. |
NotFound | The designated instance (camera, feature etc.) cannot be found. |
NotImplemented | API feature is not implemented. |
NotInitialized | Something is not initialized. |
NotSupported | API feature is not supported. |
Other | Other error. |
ParsingChunkData | An error occurred parsing a buffer containing chunk data. |
Resources | Resources not available (e.g., memory). |
RetriesExceeded | Something could not be accomplished with a given number of retries. |
StructSize | The given struct size is not valid for this version of the API. |
Success | No error. |
TLNotFound | A required transport layer could not be found or loaded. |
Timeout | Timeout during wait. |
Unknown | Error condition unknown. |
Unspecified | Unspecified runtime error. |
UserCallbackException | A callback provided by the user threw an exception. |
ValidValueSetNotPresent | The valid value set could not be retrieved, since the feature does not provide this property. |
WrongType | Wrong feature type for this access function. |
Xml | Error parsing XML. |