Enum VideoTransitionType
Video transition type.
Namespace: VisioForge.Core.Types.X.VideoEdit
Assembly: VisioForge.Core.dll
public enum VideoTransitionType
Name | Description |
BarWipeLr | A bar moves from left to right. |
BarWipeTb | A bar moves from top to bottom. |
BarndoorDbl | A diagonal line from the lower-left to upper-right corners splits and expands toward the opposite corners. |
BarndoorDtl | A diagonal line from upper-left to lower-right corners splits and expands toward the opposite corners. |
BarndoorH | A central, horizontal line splits and expands toward the top and bottom edges. |
BarndoorV | A central, vertical line splits and expands toward the left and right edges. |
BarnveeD | A 'V' shape extending from the bottom edge's midpoint to the opposite corners contracts toward the center and expands toward the edges. |
BarnveeL | A 'V' shape extending from the left edge's midpoint to the opposite corners contracts toward the center and expands toward the edges. |
BarnveeR | A 'V' shape extending from the right edge's midpoint to the opposite corners contracts toward the center and expands toward the edges. |
BarnveeU | A 'V' shape extending from the top edge's midpoint to the opposite corners contracts toward the center and expands toward the edges. |
BowtieH | Two wedge shapes slide in from the left and right edges toward the center. |
BowtieV | Two wedge shapes slide in from the top and bottom edges toward the center. |
BoxWipeBc | A box expands from the bottom edge's midpoint to the top corners. |
BoxWipeBl | A box expands from the lower-left corner to the upper-right corner. |
BoxWipeBr | A box expands from the lower-right corner to the upper-left corner. |
BoxWipeLc | A box expands from the left edge's midpoint to the right corners. |
BoxWipeRc | A box expands from the right edge's midpoint to the left corners. |
BoxWipeTc | A box expands from the top edge's midpoint to the bottom corners. |
BoxWipeTl | A box expands from the upper-left corner to the lower-right corner. |
BoxWipeTr | A box expands from the upper-right corner to the lower-left corner. |
ClockCw12 | A radial hand sweeps clockwise from the twelve o'clock position. |
ClockCw3 | A radial hand sweeps clockwise from the three o'clock position. |
ClockCw6 | A radial hand sweeps clockwise from the six o'clock position. |
ClockCw9 | A radial hand sweeps clockwise from the nine o'clock position. |
Crossfade | Crossfade. |
DiagonalTl | A diagonal line moves from the upper-left corner to the lower-right corner. |
DiagonalTr | A diagonal line moves from the upper right corner to the lower-left corner. |
DoublefanFih | Two fans, their axes at the left and right, unfold from the center. |
DoublefanFiv | Two fans, their axes at the top and bottom, unfold from the center. |
DoublefanFoh | Two fans, their axes at the center, unfold from the left and right. |
DoublefanFov | Two fans, their axes at the center, unfold from the top and bottom. |
DoublesweepOh | Two radial hands attached at the left and right edges' midpoints sweep from top to bottom. |
DoublesweepOv | Two radial hands attached at the top and bottom edges' midpoints sweep from right to left. |
DoublesweepPd | Two radial hands sweep clockwise and counter-clockwise from the left and right edges' midpoints. |
DoublesweepPdbl | Two radial hands attached at the lower-left and upper-right corners sweep down and up. |
DoublesweepPdtl | Two radial hands attached at the upper-left and lower-right corners sweep down and up. |
DoublesweepPv | Two radial hands sweep clockwise and counter-clockwise from the top and bottom edges' midpoints. |
FadeIn | Fade-in. |
FanB | A fan unfolds from the top, the fan axis at the bottom edge's midpoint. |
FanCr | A fan unfolds from the right edge, the fan axis at the center. |
FanCt | A fan unfolds from the top edge, the fan axis at the center. |
FanL | A fan unfolds from the right, the fan axis at the left edge's midpoint. |
FanR | A fan unfolds from the left, the fan axis at the right edge's midpoint. |
FanT | A fan unfolds from the bottom, the fan axis at the top edge's midpoint. |
FourBoxWipeCi | A box shape expands from each of the four corners toward the center. |
FourBoxWipeCo | A box shape expands from the center of each quadrant toward the corners of each quadrant. |
IrisRect | A rectangle expands from the center. |
MiscDiagonalDbd | Four wedge shapes split from the center and retract toward the four edges. |
MiscDiagonalDd | A diamond connecting the four edge midpoints simultaneously contracts toward the center and expands toward the edges. |
None | Transition type has not been set. |
PinwheelFb | Four radial hands sweep clockwise. |
PinwheelTbh | Two radial hands sweep clockwise from the nine and three o'clock positions. |
PinwheelTbv | Two radial hands sweep clockwise from the twelve and six o'clock positions. |
SaloondoorB | Two radial hands attached at the lower-left and lower-right corners sweep up. |
SaloondoorL | Two radial hands attached at the upper-left and lower-left corners sweep to the right. |
SaloondoorR | Two radial hands attached at the upper-right and lower-right corners sweep to the left. |
SaloondoorT | Two radial hands attached at the upper-left and upper-right corners sweep down. |
SinglesweepCwb | A radial hand sweeps clockwise from the bottom edge's midpoint. |
SinglesweepCwbl | A radial hand sweeps counter-clockwise from the lower-left corner. |
SinglesweepCwbr | A radial hand sweeps clockwise from the lower-right corner. |
SinglesweepCwl | A radial hand sweeps clockwise from the left edge's midpoint. |
SinglesweepCwr | A radial hand sweeps clockwise from the right edge's midpoint. |
SinglesweepCwt | A radial hand sweeps clockwise from the top edge's midpoin. |
SinglesweepCwtl | A radial hand sweeps clockwise from the upper-left corner. |
SinglesweepCwtr | A radial hand sweeps counter-clockwise from the upper-right corner. |
VeeD | A wedge shape moves from top to bottom. |
VeeL | A wedge shape moves from right to left. |
VeeR | A wedge shape moves from left to right. |
VeeU | A wedge shape moves from bottom to top. |
WindshieldH | Two sets of radial hands attached at the midpoints of the left and right halves sweep from left to right and right to left. |
WindshieldR | Two radial hands attached at the midpoints of the top and bottom halves sweep from right to left. |
WindshieldU | Two radial hands attached at the midpoints of the left and right halves sweep from top to bottom. |
WindshieldV | Two sets of radial hands attached at the midpoints of the top and bottom halves sweep from top to bottom and bottom to top. |